sabato 31 maggio 2008

Detto Fatto

Come vi avevo detto ieri, vi posto la mia personalissima playlist di un best dei Radiohead.

  1. Paranoid Android
  2. My Iron lung
  3. There There
  4. Creep
  5. Faust Arp
  6. A Wolf at the Door
  7. How to Disappear Completely
  8. Bodysnathcers
  9. Exit music (for a film)
  10. Jigsaw falling into place
  11. Idioteque
  12. No surprises
  13. 2+2=5
  14. The Bends
  15. All I need
  16. You and whose Army
  17. Karma Police
  18. True Love waits
  1. High and Dry
  2. I might be wrong
  3. Airbag
  4. Everything in its right place
  5. Talk show host
  6. Stop whispering
  7. Street Spirit (Fade out)
  8. A punchup at a Wedding
  9. Pyramid Song
  10. Let down
  11. You never wash up after yourself
  12. Fake Plastic Trees
  13. Where I end and you Begin
  14. Fog
  15. (Nice Dream)
  16. Dollars & Cents
  17. Subterranean Homesick Alien
  18. Killer Cars (live)

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