- Paranoid Android
- My Iron lung
- There There
- Creep
- Faust Arp
- A Wolf at the Door
- How to Disappear Completely
- Bodysnathcers
- Exit music (for a film)
- Jigsaw falling into place
- Idioteque
- No surprises
- 2+2=5
- The Bends
- All I need
- You and whose Army
- Karma Police
- True Love waits
- High and Dry
- I might be wrong
- Airbag
- Everything in its right place
- Talk show host
- Stop whispering
- Street Spirit (Fade out)
- A punchup at a Wedding
- Pyramid Song
- Let down
- You never wash up after yourself
- Fake Plastic Trees
- Where I end and you Begin
- Fog
- (Nice Dream)
- Dollars & Cents
- Subterranean Homesick Alien
- Killer Cars (live)
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